lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017


The word calculation refers to the count or enumeration that is carried out by means of a mathematical execise. The calculation consists of an algorithm that allows to anticipate the result that will come from certain data that are known in advance.

The Calculus crystallized concepts and methods that humanity was trying to master for more than twenty centuries. A long list of people worked with the "infinitesimal" methods, but there was one that waited until the 17th century to have the social maturity, science and mathematics that allow us to construct the calculus that we use today.

Newton and Leibniz are considered the inventors of calculus but represent a link in a long chain initiated many centuries before. It was they who gave to the infinitesimal procedures of their immediate ancestors, Barrow and Fermat, the algorithmic unity and the necessary precision as a novel method and sufficient generality for its later development. These developments were elaborated from visions of men like Torricelli, Cavalieri, and Galileo; Or Kepler, Valerio, and Stevin. The scope of the initial operations with infinitesimals that these men achieved were also a direct result of the contributions of Oresme, Archimedes, and Eudoxus. Finally the work of the latter was inspired by mathematical and philosophical problems suggested by Aristotle, Plato, Thales of Miletus, Zeno and Pythagoras. In order to have the appropriate scientific and historical perspective, it must be recognized that one of the decisive previous contributions was the Analytical Geometry independently developed by Descartes and Fermat.

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